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2020 Support

The perfect pair...


They have specialists that consider your face shape, personal preferences and budget, and they always recommend the perfect pair (and maximize your insurance benefits). – T.D. from Houston, TX

I found great designer frames...


…that I never found anywhere else and at a reasonable price. Staff was very attentive and knowledgeable without being pushy. V.T. from – Spring, TX

I really felt heard and understood...


My goal in seeking her treatment was to attempt to pass the vision test at the DMV and avoid surgery. Dr. Tyler fitted me for distance glasses and supported me. I really felt heard and understood. – G.C. from Houston, TX

Chronic Irritation, Itching, Crust, Redness: I want to look and feel better. Do I have to live like this forever?


There are many different causes of chronically irritated eyes. Itching, crusting, or watering are not always due to simple allergies. Rewetting or allergy eye drops often do not provide lasting relief, because they do not combat the underlying problem at the root of the condition. We offer a customized approach for better results. Common symptoms… Read More »Chronic Irritation, Itching, Crust, Redness: I want to look and feel better. Do I have to live like this forever?

Dr. Tyler is, by far, the best...


Dr. Tyler is, by far, the best eye doc I’ve ever seen. She answers questions you didn’t even know you had. – J.V. from Houston, TX

Comprehensive Eye Examination: What is it, and why should I have it every year?


A comprehensive eye examination consists of a series of tests designed to gather data and observe the health of the eyes to ensure that there is no development of eye disease. In addition, the doctor will work with you to arrive at a prescription for glasses, if necessary, for your most comfortable and clear vision.… Read More »Comprehensive Eye Examination: What is it, and why should I have it every year?

Knowledgeable and professional...


Besides having the patience of a saint, the employee that assisted me with finding the perfect pair of glasses was knowledgeable and professional and did I say patient??? – K.C. from Houston, TX